Read and learn from the following tips on how to make your article not only interesting but attention grabbing:
• Put substance in every paragraph, not empty words. This is the tendency (or mistake) of many writers who focus on putting sophisticated words into their article with an aim to impress the readers. Remember that the person reading your article in the internet have no time to scour his dictionary just so that he can unlock the meaning of the words you are using. Your mission is to attract people to read your article, not to drive them away. By putting substance into the article, you actually sharing your knowledge. One effective way to achieve this is to study the topic before you actually write the article. You will not only end up being expert in the area, but the source of authority.
• Be creative. Every writer is an artist, and you are! When you start writing a tasteless article you are actually killing your readers to boredom, and that's if they are indeed reading your article. There are a hundred and one ways to be creative by using mere words, but there are also endless ways to drive people away using carelessly arranged words. Although writing can be learned, it is first and foremost a talent that needs to be honed though continuous practice. Mastery in the language is a given factor that makes writers very successful in this most abused profession. One key to make this happen is to learn from others through reading.
• Keep your readers under your spell. When you are lost into what you are reading, you are said to be under the spell of the author. There are instances, however, when it is really tiresome to finish even just a single paragraph. Not only that you cannot understand what the author is saying, but you are left with no choice but to continue reading it again and again just to get the message. It is important to remember that the internet is overflowing with information and if you add an article that only a few can relate and understand, you are turning your article into a waste. No one will ever read it. By captivating the interest of your readers, you are making them under your spell. In this way, they will want for more.
Words are powerful means of communication, but it takes a lot of creativity to express your thoughts. When writing article, you are basically expressing your thoughts in a formal way. That is why it is important to always make it a point that you articles are read or else you are defeating the very purpose why you are writing. Avoid this by writing creatively and keeping your readers under your spell by writing interesting articles.
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